Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Top- down construction, which allows the execution of infrastructure and superstructure of a building simultaneously, used frequently by OCTAGON

Multiple underground level buildings, located in crowded urban areas need the implementation of complex construction methods, able to guarantee their solidity. One of the most efficient solutions is the top-down construction. OCTAGON CONTRACTING & ENGINEERING has used this procedure frequently, for the construction of several office buildings.  
The main benefit of this method consists in the fact that the infrastructure and the superstructure of the building can be executed simultaneously, reducing significantly the execution term.
The construction method was adopted at the beginning of the ‘60s, but it is still used by a limited number of constructors, as this is not a procedure easy to apply: excavation under the floor is difficult to perform.
Top- down construction is performed in several stages.
OCTAGON started to use the top- down construction method to execute the infrastructure of the tallest office building in Bucharest: Sky Tower (Barbu Vacarescu Blvd). The company built three reinforced concrete floors, of 4,600 sqm each.
Sky Tower- Barbu Vacarescu Blvd, Bucharest

Between 2010- 2011, OCTAGON built the foundation and the structure of the underground levels 3 and 4 of building A, within Hermes Business Campus complex (5-7 Dimitrie Pompeiu Blvd- Bucharest).

Hermes Business Campus- 5-7 Dimitrie Pompeiu Blvd, Bucharest

The company used the top- down system to build the office projects Cathedral Plaza (General Berthelot), Charles de Gaulle Plaza (Charles de Gaulle Square) and the four star hotel Novotel (Calea Victoriei).

Monday, December 9, 2013

OCTAGON, constructor in cadrul celui mai mare proiect greenfield de electricitate din Romania

OCTAGON CONTRACTING & ENGINEERING a fost constructor in cadrul celui mai mare proiect privat greenfield de generare de electricitate realizat în România în ultimii 20 de ani, centrala Petrom de la Brazi. Centrala are o capacitate instalata de 860 MW, generata de 2 turbine cu gaz de 290 MW fiecare si o turbina cu abur, de 310 MW.  Investitiile totale realizate de Petrom pentru acest proiect au atins suma de 530 milioane de Euro.

Lucrarile de constructie s-au derulat in intervalul 2009- 2011, iar pe 1 august 2012 centrala a inceput operatiunile comerciale.

OCTAGON a realizat lucrarile de constructii geotehnice, structura, arhitectura, instalatii (electrice, sanitare, clima) si amenajari exterioare in cadrul proiectului.

Lucrarile de structura au inclus:
  •  Turnare de beton armat pentru 42 de cladiri, parte din centrala;
  •  Radier, h = 1:3m;
  • Grinzi din beton armat, h = 0,5: 0,25 m;
  • Diafragme si coloane;
  • Grinzi prefabricate turnate in- situ;
  •  Montare structura metalica incastrata in sprijiniri din beton.

Lucrarile de constructii geotehnice realizate de OCTAGON nu au fost incluse in proiectul initial. Necesitatea executiei pilotilor forati a aparut atunci cand conditiile de sol au fost evaluate in amanunt. Executia a inceput rapid, pentru a nu afecta termenul general de finalizare a centralei electrice. Lucrarile au constat in executia a 300 de piloti forati cu diametrul de 1,200 mm si s-au finalizat in decurs de o luna.

Petrom este cel mai mare grup de petrol si gaze din Europa de Sud-est, care genereaza circa 50% din productia de gaze a Romaniei. Petrom a luat decizia de a construi centrala de la Brazi in 2007, avand in vedere capacitatile de generare invechite care, potrivit legislatiei europene, trebuie inlocuite cu tehnologii noi, mai putin poluante, cu emisii de carbon mult mai reduse.Centrala OMV Petrom are o eficienta inalta, folosind  jumatate din cantitatea de gaz pe care o utilizeaza orice alta centrala pe gaz din Romania, pentru a genera aceeasi cantitate de electricitate.